About Destiny Garden School

Map of Mombasa Destiny Garden School is situated in Mtongwe, one of the poorest suburbs of Mombasa,on Kenya’s coast. The school opened in May 2009 with 160 children and 7 classes and now has over 470 children and 12 classes all with qualified teachers, providing children from infants to 15 years old with a good education. Many of the children are orphans and some are HIV positive. Families of the children will mostly struggle to find regular work in an area where jobs are scarce. The School would like to help all these children but the situation does increase the burden on its resources.

DGS Children The main aims of the school are:

  • Providing all the children with a good standard of education
  • Bringing out the full potential of each and every child
  • Ensuring all children receive a good meal during the school day
  • Offering educational programmes on HIV/AIDS and also care for those already infected by HIV/AIDS
  • Offering training and counseling to all, especially the orphaned children

Jacob Boaz is the Founder and Director of Destiny Garden School and he manages all the School affairs. He also coordinates the fund raising and looks after all the volunteers.


Jacob helped established another school in a different area of Mombasa which provided him with valuable experience to get Destiny Garden School up and running. His big dream is to help the children in this very poor district of Mombasa, having himself been brought up in this area and having had the opportunity of a good education. Jacob strongly believes that education is the way out of poverty.

Lunch – Destiny Garden School provides a cooked lunch for all the children each day. It is not uncommon for families to go without food and for many of the children the lunch they receive at the School is their only proper meal of the day. The School would also like to be able to provide a nutritious breakfast, when funds are available.

DGS Cooks

Lunch Queue

Past Reports

Second Term Report May to August 2020

First Term Report January to May 2020

Third Term Report September to October 2019

Second Term Report May to August 2019

First Term Report January to April 2019

How the School Developed

This video looks back over the years and shows just how much DGS has achieved

DGS video March 2017

Destiny Garden School opened in May 2009 with 160 children and 7 classrooms, located in this rented building


The school bought a plot of land adjacent to the rented buildings.


The school now has 12 classrooms and 470 children

DGS in 2016

Photos of the School’s Developed

June 2009 – the first building to go up was the kitchen.

Kitchen 2009


Classes On Mats

Classes at Destiny Garden School were conducted on mats – there were no chairs, desks or blackboards. In July 2009, Jacky Price, who undertook voluntary work at the school for 6 months, bought desks and chairs for the children, and provided all 7 classrooms with blackboards.

Old Classroom

New Uniforms

Jacky, also bought the children school uniforms, which were designed by Masikah and made by one the the parents.

Pictured left to right – Jacky, Masikah, Julius and Jacob

September 2009, with donations from a UK the office and storage block was started

Office Building

Work in progress

Office Building

Friends of Judy Roper in the UK raised funds at her ‘Open House’ fundraising event on 22 August 2009. These funds enabled the school to buy sports equipment and to build the new office and storage block, which was completed in October 2009. In March 2010 a generous donation was received from Dr George which enabled a Kindergarten Block to be built.

KG Block In May 2010 donations were received from Australia and the UK to build the 4 primary Classes.

Classes 1 to 4 being built

The primary classroom 1 to 4 being built.

Classroom 1

The classes were able to vacate the rented rooms and move in on Monday 14 June 2010, even though funds were still needed for the windows and doors!

The Primary Classrooms 1 to 4 were finally completed in September 2010.

Classrooms 1 to 4

Classrooms for Class 5 and 6

During 2011, funds raised by Destiny Children, Kings School, and a grant from the KTCT enabled DGS to build two new Classrooms for Class 5 and 6.

The foundations being put in place to start the building work for classroom 5 and 6

Classroom 5 and 6 Foundations

Classroom 6 progressing

January 2012 the students move into their spacious new classrooms

New Classroom 6 New Classroom 6

The Rainwater Harvesting System

The grant from the KTCT was also sufficient for DGS to install a Rainwater Harvesting System, which will be a tremendous help to reduce the increasing costs in providing the children with safe drinking water and water to cook with and wash hands.

Installing the Rainwater Tank

The tank was delivered and a start was made on the base for the tank.

Installing the Rainwater Tank

Wood delivered

The soffit boards being delivered. Julius had to walk 3 miles from Lekoni wheeling this cart! He is organising the project for Jacob

Base for the Tank

The base for the tank is almost complete awaiting the installation of the Tank

A New Kitchen for DGS – March 2012

New Kitchen

A sponsor and former volunteer at DGS raised funds for the construction of a Modern kitchen unit for the school. The old one had been deemed unfit for food preparation by the local authorities.

Solar Panels installed – April 2012

Solar Panels

A grant from a UK Trust enabled the installation of solar panels. Classroom 6 now has lighting and fans and the 2 computers.

solar panels

solar panels

DGS Progress – Before and After Photos

The school – 2009

DGS in June 2009

The school – 2010

DGS Grounds 2010

The school – 2011

The school in June 2011

The school – 2012


The School 2014

DGS School November 2014